
Everest Base Camp Trek- An Adventurous and Joyous Trekking ever

Trekking to Everest Base Camp has become like a usual trip for most of people from every corner of the world to all strata of life. Visit the place is both adventurous and joyous to the trekkers because of the trails to reach there and the weather condition especially for those who are not acclimatized to high altitude. Trekkers often feel voracious in viewing the alluring landscapes around it.

Compared to climbing Mount Everest, the trekkers are thousand times more to visit the Everest Base Camp. Even if many of the trekkers do not get an opportunity to climb up the peak, they at least get real experience climbing to the top of the mountain. 

Apart from its attraction, the visitors are lured to the unique cultures of Sherpa. Among their other festivals, Dumje is observed for the prosperity, good health, and welfare of the Sherpa people. There are a number of monasteries and museums on the way to Everest Base Camp. The unique combination of music, throngs of prayers walking to the monasteries, amazing food, and the warm hospitality of people do not allow trekkers and visitors to abandon the places.

Almost all months are appropriate for trekkers except monsoon seasons because during the period, the landscapes are not easily visible and it is likely to have landslides. March to May and September to December are the best months for trekking. However, be prepared for possible rain in May.

Trekkers should be cautious in November and December because the temperature reaches below zero degrees Celsius. Yet, they can roll up in warm clothes in the morning and evening and feel the pleasure of landscapes during the days.

- Article By Ram Prasad Marasini
© Amazing Nepal Trek & Expedition 

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